Friday, April 30, 2010

What Grinds Me Up!!

With everything going on in the world today, why must Liberals feel it is ok to bash anyone who does not agree with them. Have you ever had an intelligent conversation with a Lib? I can't say that I have. Everytime I try and have a conversation, or a debate of theories it always winds up the same way. "Well it was all Bush's fault". You know I am sick and tired of hearing that crap over and over again. Fact is Democrats have had controlling interest in the House and Senate since 2007. Now lets look at some things a little bit. "Bush" was able to pass the stimulus bill, or bailout bill, only because Congress and the Senate approved it. But yet Dem's cannot seem to bring themselves to admit it. Hey Bush was no saint, but to try and blame everything on Bush is just a falsehood of an argument. Fact is both sides are to blame for this recent mess and what this country is headed for. But for the Dem's to jam this Healthcare bill, now they are trying to push a Financial Reform bill down America's throat. When does it stop. I love Nancy Pelosi's statement when asked why we should pass the bill she stated, "We need to pass it to find out what's in it". Now what kind of logic is that. What a load of crap. Now with Financial Reform its going to be more of the same. I am tired of our government treating Americans like herds of cattle. Trying to decide whats best for us, like we can't think for ourselves. Well, some of us can think for ourselves. There is no reason the grand 'ol government should be providing lifetime welfare programs for people. Welfare should be a "Hand Up" not a "Hand Out". Quite Frankly I would love to be able to keep my money. Move to a flat tax, where every american illegal or legal pays the same rate of tax. But no one can seem to grasp that fact. Reign in spending, control the amount of tax that is put on the American people and watch what this country is capable of. I am tired of paying nearly 50% of my money in taxes, either between Federal, State, and Sales Tax. Utterly ridiculous if people would actually wake up, smell the coffee, and pull their heads out of their butts. But Hey that is just one man's opnion.....